School Project Galleries

Hawkesbury Upton Primary School (2005/6)
A memorial window to celebrate the life of pupil Lee Gardener. It was designed and made by 15 of his classmates in Year 4. Based on the story of ‘The Rainbow Fish’, it shows how each pupil was given something by Lee during his life. Each individual fish they designed incorporated Lee’s favourite colour, yellow.

Horton C of E Primary School (2007)
This window depicts the seven days of Creation. Horton is a small school and the whole community was involved in the design, with KS2 taking responsibility for the glass-cutting. The window incorporated medallion self-portraits by the whole school community including infants, teachers and non -teaching staff. The school secured a grant from the Diocese of Gloucester towards the project.

Alexander Hosea Primary School (2007)
This was part of a school project called ‘Children across the World’, held over two years to celebrate the school gaining its ‘International School Status.’ Alexander Hosea has many links with other schools all around the world. The children in the window are all holding hands and show a rich cultural diversity which is reflected in the ethos of the school.

Wellesley Primary School (2007/8)
‘All Things Bright and Beautiful’ was the favourite hymn of the caretaker of 27 years and sadly she did not see the building of the brand new eco school but money was raised to install a window in the new school building in her memory. Each of the 265 pupils were involved in this project along with many of the teaching and non- teaching staff.

Oldbury on Severn Primary School (2008)
This window depicts the school as the heart of the community and the children have illustrated what they see as the four fundamental aspects; environment, architecture, transport and wildlife which revolve around the school. Each of the five panels were designed and made by groups of 12 children with a mix from all ages.

Alexander Hosea Primary School (2008)
Part Two of ‘Children across the World’. A total of 90 year 6 pupils worked on this large four –panel project.

Oldbury on Severn Primary School (2008)
A three-day workshop which involved the whole school in the making of a leaving gift for the head teacher. Paid for by the Friends. Every child cut and painted a flower or bug of their design which were arranged on a free standing panel.

Alexander Hosea Primary School (2008)
This workshop produced a leaving gift for the head teacher. 45 Year 6 pupils worked on this free standing floral panel which took 3 days to complete.

Trinity C of E Primary School, Acton Turville (2009)
This project was the final phase in a new build Eco School and consisted of 2 large panels which were installed as the centre piece in the new school hall. The theme for the window was to reflect the Christian Faith of the school and its role in Community Cohesion. All of the 141 children as well as teaching staff, non-teaching staff, Governor, parents, and local community were involved with every stage from the initial design ideas through to the final construction. A series of twilight sessions were held for the adults, while the children worked in groups of 2/3 during school hours. This project took two months to complete.

Bisley Blue Coat C of E Primary School (2010)
The four windows depict ‘God’s wonderful world’ as described in a poem written for the school by Bisley’s oldest resident. The whole school was involved. The Key Stage 2 children buddied up with the Key Stage 1 children and helped them with the cutting, grinding and assembly of the glass ready for Fusing. Staff and parents helped during their lunch hours and after school. The project was funded by both the Diocese of Gloucester and the School PTA.

Alexander Hosea Primary School (2010)
After some work in the school which resulted in the creation of a new music room a window was commissioned not only to continue the school’s successful ‘Gold Artsmark’ standard but also to act as a screen which would allow light from the music room into the school beyond. This was a two part project with the year 6 leavers designing and making a complementary pair of windows with a contemporary music theme.

Bisley Blue Coat C of E Primary School (2010)
A two day project which involved the pupils, staff and parents at the school in creating a unique leaving gift for the head teacher. As she has a strong Christian Faith, the children designed a Cross with a Dove which she could keep on her desk at all times.

Cam Everlands Primary School (2011)
The school wanted to mark the completion of their new school library and chose the theme ‘Once upon a time’. The project involved all the children and staff. It began with a INSET day, working with the staff as a team building experience, which taught them a series of new skills and gave them a valuable insight into the learning process. The project spanned three adjacent windows and took several months to complete. The project was funded by the PTA and staff-run local fundraising.

Alexander Hosea Primary School (2011)
Phase two of screens for the music room. Working once again with the Year 6 leavers and funded by the PTA.

Bisley Blue Coat C of E Primary School (2011)
As part of their Arts Week programme this project involved the KS1 pupils designing and creating a fused glass Cross to be used by the school during their daily act of worship.

Leckhampton Primary School (2012)
As part of their Arts Week programme this project involved the KS1 pupils designing and creating a fused glass Cross to be used by the school during their daily act of worship.

Beech Green Primary School (2012/13)
To celebrate 25 years of the school and its active arts tradition the PTFA funded this window. Both Year 6 classes designed and made the window and the parents were kept well informed over the months by a weekly newsletter. It has a very sunny position opposite the school library.

Beech Green Primary School (2012)
During this two day workshop every Year 6 pupil made a fabulous fused glass Christmas tree to hang in the entrance to the school during the festive period.

Leckhampton Primary School (2013)
To celebrate 25 years of the school and its active arts tradition the PTFA funded this window. Both Year 6 classes designed and made the window and the parents were kept well informed over the months by a weekly newsletter. It has a very sunny position opposite the school library.